Monday, January 14, 2008

Akshay Kumar on Facebook?

Akshay Kumar on Facebook?

According to industry sources, Akshay Kumar is the latest B-town biggie to have turned web-savvy and joined the growing Facebook community.

It seems his facebook id is Raju Bhatia (Akshay's real name is Rajiv Bhatia) and a poster image of his latest comic blockbuster, 'Welcome' is his display picture.

The profile appears to have been created post the successful release of 'Welcome', which has been his biggest overseas opener to date.

'Welcome' made it to the No.8 spot in the coveted UK TOP 10 after its opening weekend despite the presence of Hollywood biggies.

Given his busy schedule it is not clear how much Akshay will really access or visit his Facebook page or whether it will be managed on his behalf by someone or whether the page gets pulled off following the news- leak!

But if it remains, it is most certainly a great way for his worldwide audience to connect with him, irrespective of whether he is able to reciprocate!!!


hafizaakbrbakshi said...

hi akshayji ! happy birthday to my dads action king Akshay kumar! !lots of love n blessings frm mom!

hafizaakbrbakshi said...

uthe sabke kadam dekho rampampam aji aise geet gaya karo,kabhi khushi kabhi gum tararumpumpum haso aur hasaya karo! !
